Horizon is a 3 day technical fest which is an initiative to uplift the youth with technical aid and an attempt to expand the ‘Horizons’ of technology.

The 5 Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSCs), namely GDSC BITS PILANI, LNMIIT JAIPUR, ABES, RTU KOTA, and MESCOE aspire to host this annual event to aid developers with a platform to express their technical creativity and to boost their confidence by competing with the best.


February 7

6:00 PM - Workshop on Introduction to Game Dev and 3D designing

February 8

4:00 PM - Workshop on Basics of Unity

11:59 PM - Last date to register for Game Night

February 9

6:00 PM - Workshop on Publishing a Game and Introduction to Game Jam

11:59 PM - Last date to register for HACKATHON and GAME JAM.

February 10 (DAY 0)

11:59 PM - Hackathon Problem Statement Release.

11:59 PM - Game Jam Problem Statement Release.

February 11 (DAY 1)

2:00 PM - Webinar on Introduction to AI/ML

Day 1 Hackathon Evaluation - Video/Presentation Submission

February 12 (DAY 2)

2:00 PM - Webinar on Demystifing Web3

4:00 PM - Webinar on Career in Data Science

Day 2 Hackathon Evaluation Prototype Round

February 13 (DAY 3)

2:00 PM - Webinar on role of AR/VR in Metaverse

4:00 PM - Webinar on AI in Metaverse

11:59 PM - Game Jam Submission

February 13

9:00 PM - Valorant Game Night Finale

Day 3 Hackathon Evaluation Final Round



"Uff Tired of The Usual Boring Weekend, Let's Valorant N Chill"

What else could be the best way to end the triduum other than Valorant , really it's gonna be a Stress-Bursting Fun Night!


The theme for this year’s Hackathon is Spiderman Mutltiverse.

The hackathon is designed keeping in mind the coders who have just started, providing fair opportunities to all experience groups. The hackathon will have evaluative rounds with attractive engagements to test the participants on more than just technical skills.

Problem Statements

Pandemic Shopping

The pandemic had restricted a lot of us from going out and our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was no exception. Fighting crime day in and out has reduced his suits to scraps and he now wishes to get hold of a new set of apparel. However, he’s not too sure about what to pick. With online shopping, he isn’t even sure what will look good on him.

Design a portal that keeps track of a user’s past choice preferences and builds upon it to provide suggestions. Incorporate physical attributes like height, build, complexion, and other factors while giving out suggestions.

Crime Investigation Portal

Homicides in New York City surged in 2020 by 47 percent to 468 from 319 the year prior, one of the most significant increases in the city's history. With the increasing crime rates, it's getting hard for the Police Department to keep up with organized criminals. To their rescue, Spiderman has decided to hack into their database and analyze the crime patterns regionally.

Taking into consideration the crime datasets from official police records, help Spiderman design a portal that displays the data after thorough analysis. From the time and kind of crime in a certain region to the frequency and gang size, deep dive into as much detail as you can extract and present a platform for the uniformed officers to take action on.

Risk Management

79,732 people have lost their lives and 108 crore people were affected in 321 incidents of natural disasters in India, according to a report by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Wouldn't it be better if we could reduce this number to 0?

Similar to Spidey Sense, develop a Machine Learning model that is able to predict any natural disaster (for example cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc) beforehand and warn the proper authorities so that they can take the necessary preventive measures.

With great power comes great responsibility so your job, heroes, is to save lives by building a risk assessment and detection application.

Open Innovation

Do you know any other prominent problem that you can propose Spidey a solution for? If yes, feel free to take up Open Innovation as your problem statement. It’s not necessary that we find the next big thing during our Hackathons. But now that you have the opportunity to experiment with new ideas without any restrictions and work with your colleagues on the same, while learning along the way, get your code editors out and take a shot. There are no tech or domain restrictions from our end, as long as you believe that solution can be helpful for a large audience.

Code oF Conduct

Our hackathon is dedicated to providing a platform for the beginners as well as the experienced developers to bring forth their ideas and improve their skills in the open source and development areas which will help you gain real life problems.

Remember! The competition is just a part of the hackathon. To make the most out of the event, try something new, teach other people, and make new connections and grow your network .


Frequently Asked Questions

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Should team members be of the same college or people of different colleges forming a team would also do?
Yes, team members can be from different colleges.
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Can I start working on my hack before the event?
No. In the interest of fairness, participants should not be working on their projects before the hackathon begins and we do not allow participants to work on pre-existing projects. However, you can familiarize yourself with all the tools and technologies you intend to use beforehand!.
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Who will own the IP (Intellectual Property) Rights to the product that I have built?
The developer/developers of the application will have all rights and own the IP of the product. However, all code needs to be in public domain (open source) so that it can be evaluated by the judges
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I have a question related to hackathon which is not listed above. What should I do?
Feel free to contact us. Just drop us a mail or You can also contact us over Discord.


Why play someone's game, when you can flaunt your talent by creating your own!

A weekend-long jam to lighten up your mood and lower your stress, this event is designed for beginners and dreamers, where you get to learn and build your own game. 'Cause, we know there are ideas in those heads waiting to storm out.


Swap slot

Swap Slot

By using this a team can swap their time of evaluation with any other team, provided they inform or use their Lifeline at least two hour before the next evaluation.

Mentor Madad

By using this a team can gain access to the help from a mentor who will be assigned by the organising committee of the hackathon .They can use this opportunity to improve their solution and presentation by getting tips provided by the mentor.
 Double Dip

Double Dip

By using this a team can gain access to the opportunity of getting their project evaluated a second time, provided they inform or use their Lifeline at least three hour before the next evaluation .(only applicable to Day 1 , Day2 evaluations)


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  • Attendees from all backgrounds, genders, and geographies are welcome.
  • Committee members are not eligible to participate in the hackathon. They may, however, assist team mentors during the coding/development phase.
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Team Formation
  • Teams can have a maximum of four members(1-4 members).
  • No college restriction is applicable for team formations.
  • If you don't have a team then you can join our discord channel and form your team with fellow discord community members.
  • Changes to team members are not permitted after Thursday, February 10, at 11:00 pm.
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Project Development
  • No development may start before the actual date and time of the event. Any teams that violate this rule will be automatically disqualified. The first line of code should be written on or after Friday, February 11, 2022 at 12 am after the team has registered.
  • Any software development tools, game engine, IDE, and/or programming language can be used for the event.
  • To ensure a level field for all contestants, all code must be created only at the hackathon. You are permitted to use publicly developed and openly licensed APIs and SDKs for your project.
  • A team can submit only one entry for the hackathon. Participation at the hackathon is subject to a “per-team” basis meaning you are not allowed to be on more than one team at the event.
  • A team may not code applications that violate the code of conduct.
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Judging & Project Submission
  • All teams should have a team name, and be registered with D2C.
  • Submission links for Day1 and Day2 will be provided on the D2C Horizon page.
  • Day 1 submission should be submitted latest by 11 February 2022,9:00 pm.
  • Submissions of Day 1 must be in video or Presentation format and should not exceed 3 mins or 5 slides.
  • Day 2 Evaluation will be held on Google Meet starting from 6 pm. Teams will have to pitch their idea and prototype.
  • Day 2 submission should be submitted latest by 12 February 2022, 9:00 pm. Participants will have to share the Github repository of the working prototypes.
  • Day 3 Evaluation will consist of a live presentation to the esteemed judges followed by a Q&A session.
  • Submission links will be provided on the D2C Horizon page.
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General Points
  • All the announcements will be posted on Discord channel only.
  • All queries will be answered through our discord server in the doubt channel.
  • At least one member should be present during time of evaluation
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What are Mini Challenges?
  • Every day of the hackathon will have some mini-challenges that would need to be solved to avail the Lifelines mentioned below.
  • Each challenge will have its own time limit mentioned along with the challenge.
  • Although it is not compulsory to take part in these mini-challenges and will not affect your score in the hackathon, they are to provide you with the above-mentioned lifelines that support your project development phase in the hackathon.
  • The Organising Committee has the authority to decide the number of mini-challenges in a day.
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  • For making the hackathon more engaging participants will be provided some mini-challenges through which they can gain access to some cool Lifeline during the hackathon.
  • They must solve the given mini-challenge in the desired duration and then only they will be awarded any one Lifeline.
  • Lifelines will be given to the top 3 fastest teams to solve the mini-challenge according to the following rules:
  • The winner will be given the privilege to choose any one Lifeline of their choice.
  • The runner-up will have the privilege of choosing any one Lifeline except the one that is taken by the winner.
  • The second runner-up will be directly assigned the Lifeline which is left by the top two teams.
  • Mentor Madad
  • Double dip
  • Swap slot
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  • Yash Garg (7850046500)
  • Adarsh Bhardwaj (9140650723)
  • Nehil Sood (8003698828)
  • Manthan Jain (9799951401)



Team Name
Team Name
Team Name
Team Name
Team Name
Team Name
Team Name
Team Name


Introduction to ML
2:00PM ~ 3:00PM
11th February, 2022
Manan Jain
GDSC Data Science
Core Mmeber
Introduction to ML
2:00PM ~ 3:00PM
11th February, 2022
Kartikey Sharma
GDSC Data Science
Core Mmeber
Demystifing Web3
2:00PM ~ 3:00PM
12th February, 2022
Kuldeep Kumar Shrivastava
Blockchain/Solidity Developer at ConsenSys
Career in Data Science
4:00PM ~ 5:00PM
12th February, 2022
Pawan Jain
Analytics @Innovaccer
Role of AR/VR in Metaverse
2:00PM ~ 3:00PM
13th February, 2022
Aashish Lamba
Co-founder at Auggin
AI in Metaverse
4:00PM ~ 5:30PM
13th February, 2022
Himanshu Daga
Building AI products for Metaverse
Ex-Google ML Facilitator | Delhivery | NIU Taiwan